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Our Year in Review

We're back with more Gallivant blog content: we're continuing to celebrate our year-old ice cream brand. We want to discuss our journey through our first year as a company in the ice cream space, and we want to give special thanks to specific partners, mentors, investors, and supporters. Since launch day last August, we have experienced both wins and losses, but we want to highlight our top seven wins that we have achieved this year.

First, we launched the brand into multiple festivals including the Houston Rodeo, the Austin rodeo, Houston Diwali Melas and Holiday Markets. These festivals have been so much fun to participate in and have created so many opportunities for us to showcase our products.

Second, we launched into Texas retail, selling our ice creams in stores. This was such a major step for us, and we can’t wait to continue expanding in the retail market space.

Third, we launched e-commerce, selling our ice creams through our website. Especially given the challenging circumstances that 2020 has brought us, this has allowed us to expand the reach of our brand beyond our local markets. Check out to get some of your own.

Fourth, we developed a full-fledged marketing and sales team to grow the brand nationally. Our team has truly come together over the past year, and we feel so lucky to work with such dedicated individuals to share Gallivant Ice Creams with as many people as we can.

Fifth, we scaled operations in two regions of North America: Texas and California.

Sixth, we set up R&D development for product and SKU development so that we can continue to expand Gallivant Ice Creams.

Seventh, we have developed strategic partnerships, which have helped us to continue to grow Gallivant and develop a stronger presence in this industry.

We are so grateful to have achieved each of these accomplishments as a brand, and we are so lucky to have this platform to share our successes with you. None of these wins would be possible without our partners behind the scenes, and we want to extend a special thank you to each of the people and organizations who have helped us reach this point by sticking by us and not letting us fall.

Roar Studios brand and design studio has helped us develop our brand and online presence, and we are so grateful for all they have helped us accomplish digitally.

The XQCPA accounting firm has helped us keep our business running smoothly behind the scenes.

Lionshare LLC has helped us with our operations and R&D, allowing us to expand our brand and make it possible for us to sell our delicious ice creams.

Econsultantz has helped us develop our website and allow us to develop a strong online presence for our e-commerce.

Our retailers Phoenicia Speciality Market, Rice Epicurean Market, Local Foods, and others have given us the opportunity to directly sell our products, making our dreams become a reality.

Our partners have been our extended arms in many ways. We are so grateful that you have worked with us to get us to the place we are at today.

We also want to thank our mentors who have stuck by our side throughout our journey, provided us a direction when we needed it the most, and believed in us no matter what.

We want to extend a special thank you to the following mentors: dairy scientists Dr. Praveen Upreti and Dr. Rohit Kapoor, marketing advisor Yogesh Chavda, hub for tech start-ups Station Houston, and Van Leeuwen sales manager Sandra Velasquez. You all have provided us with support and inspiration, and we are so grateful to have such incredible mentors on board with us.

Likewise, we want to thank our investors for making all of this possible. Tariq Ahmed, we are so thankful for your support and for helping us make Gallivant Ice Creams a reality.

And lastly, to everyone else who has supported us: thank you. This past year has surely had its ups and downs, but we are so thrilled with where we are today. We look forward to continue growing and sharing our story, as well as our ice creams.


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